Support When You Need It

We know you’ll be successful using FitConnect® to design and order lenses, but we’re always here to help.  Our Comprehensive Success Team is here to provide fitting guidance, help with orders, and more. (U.S./Canada only)


Call: 888-SCLERAL 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:  8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST
Tuesday, Thursday:  8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST

Fitting Consultants

Lora Castle, NCLE-AC, COA
Director of Professional Affairs and Consultation

Artur Barbosa
Fitting Consultant

Cindy Martinez, OD
Fitting Consultant

Account Support

Shannon Jones,
BostonSight SCLERAL
Senior Account Manager

Debbie Mackey,
BostonSight SCLERAL
Account Representative

Manufacturing Lab Technicians

Pedro Araujo

Wemerson Batista

Gabriel Ferreira

Suzane Giust

Dan Gosselin

Victor Guimaraes

Stanley Moura

Emanuella Oliveira

Cleber Silva

Diego Xavier